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Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:24 pm
by anthonymel
I wonder what this news will mean for us here. So we stick with this current setup or move to this extended support version? ... of-firefox

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:20 pm
by BrandonMills
It's really up to DraconPern to do one of them or both of them. I'd say the Extended Support Version is going to be extremely popular in IT deployments. Honestly, I haven't noticed massive changes in Firefox between each version. It's most likely best to get these changes on a yearly basis and not risk breaking the company web apps than having a few minor improvements with each release.

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:33 am
by m0gely
So now Mozilla is finally releasing an MSI installer, but once a year? This is better than Frontmotion how? I'm all for the MSI installer that Moz is finally making, but the official, long overdue response, doesn't at first seem as good as the community efforts here.

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:27 pm
by DraconPern
I'll Simply add the ESR to at least the packager, and also release an MSI since I am almost sure the ESR will still be an exe setup. If not, the packager will just generate an MSI based Mozilla's build set up.

The ESR just ensures that there is a code base that is maintained by someone at Mozilla for an extended time. Things like security fixes, and the such. As someone noted on the Enterprise List, it's like the 3.6 version getting security fixes while V4+ races ahead with features. Thankfully, the mozilla addon site does return correct versions of an extension based on the firefox version. The extension search in the packager uses that feature to find the right version of the extension.

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:41 pm
by vtk
Hey Guys;

As I attended USENIX this year in Boston, where Kevin Needham from Mozilla actually made the announcement we got to talk A LOT about this subject. For one, I proposed they just simply hire Eric and be done with it! ;)

All kidding aside tho, ... o-firefox/ pretty much explains what Kev said. Now, as for the questions here, indeed I did also ask, if the msi was going to be a wrapper or an actual msi build and he didn't make any comment. However one of the biggest news was that starting with v10 ERS they will NOT be doing the stupid compatibility check crap, in other words, add-ons will be responsible for functioning properly from this point forward! Also, starting with v10 they said they are going to work on an add-on to support GPO control. When we asked WHEN?! all Kev said was "it's in the works"

All this being said however, As Eric pointed out I do not believe they are going to offer anywhere NEAR the level of customization we currently get from Frontmotion's awesome packager! ;)

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:50 pm
by DraconPern
Thanks vtk for the link and reporting on it! I am curious what the response for that proposal was. lol. I am curious what that GPO control will involve, any more info on that? I seem to have read somewhere that someone was working on trying to read IE's GPO setting and using those settings... but I don't remember where I saw that.

On a somewhat related note, should I start using twitter to annouce when a new version is out or on new features? facebook page may be? When I send out thse annoucement emails, it always seems like _one giant annoucement_, even though most of the improvements for example on the packager are incremental. I do like to make more small incremental improvements to the packager to make things "more useful"(tm). I still like to largely interact on the forums since it's searchable and may contain info that people will need in the future. Thoughts?

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:06 am
by trockenasche
+1 twitter

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:34 am
by CGirardy
-1 twitter. I'm not using it

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:05 pm
by vtk
>> I am curious what that GPO control will involve, any more info on that?

Yep. So they said they'll be making an add-on that can't be removed (well, not easily via the GUI, kinda like the .NET crap that was around for a while) based on their old gpo-addon project that I can't seem to locate.

>> On a somewhat related note, should I start using twitter to annouce when a new version is out or on new features?

Sure :) As long as you do it in a dual-style where you still keep us up-to-date via email as well! hehe

Re: Extended Support Version Of Firefox

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:29 pm
by DragonHawk
There are apps/sites/etc out there that let you post an announcement to Twitter, Facebook, email lists, etc., etc., all at once. So if you want to get the word out in as many places as you can, that's the way to do it. (e.g., me personally, I don't do Twitter, but I do Facebook.) I don't use them myself but I know people who do; I can ask for a recommendation if you're interested.