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Save Bookmarks through GPO, Win7, how?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:21 pm
by tarre86
Hi !

In our company we want backup each bookmarks for the users through GPO but we dont know how?

Please help us.

Best Regards

Re: Save Bookmarks through GPO, Win7, how?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:03 am
by farmers
Don't think you can as they're stored in database, but I could be wrong. You would have to push out through IE, then import into Firefox. We use RSS feeds to do bookmarks in Firefox. Just have them navigate to page with different sets of RSS feeds for different groups. Not the most elegant solution but it works.

This was broken in v6.0.1 and v9.0.1, so test before pushing out. I made the mistake of not testing and had to roll back.

Re: Save Bookmarks through GPO, Win7, how?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:42 pm
by MonkeyBoy
Here's one way to do it...

First, make sure everyone has the same profile structure. This typically means having a folder on a network share that contains the appropriate file/folder information that you need to push to clients. There's two Firefox folders under each user folder, one in Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla, the other in Application Data\Mozilla (under 7 it's %appdata%\Mozilla & %localappdata%\Mozilla).

Next, mirror the contents of the Mozilla folders to the user through GPO. You can use something as simple as a script or as unintuitively complicated as Microsoft's GUI replacement for file/folder copying. If you script it, sett/check for a registry key so you don't have to run it every time.

Finally, once you have the profiles in a structure you can depend on, push out a bookmark file (places.sqlite) at login to the user's profile, using similar methods to pushing out the profile. If you don't want the user adding bookmarks you can push just this file out every login.

Re: Save Bookmarks through GPO, Win7, how?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:31 am
by tarre86
Tnx for the help. Its working now! I just mad an bat script for login and logout and its working fine.

Best Regards

Re: Save Bookmarks through GPO, Win7, how?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:55 pm
by farmers
Question regarding files locations. How is that pushed to the clients if and different random profile folder is created for each user? Don't be afraid to talk down to me, hehe. I would love to get this working in our environment. I just don't get how those get mapped.

Re: Save Bookmarks through GPO, Win7, how?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:22 am
by MonkeyBoy
Oh, hopefully you cleared the contents of the cache folder, no point in distributing a stale cache.

And the reason you're copying the contents of both folders is essentially to set everyone's profile folders to the same name (so one randomly-generated name for your network). Ideally, if you're a mad scripting god, you could parse profiles.ini to find the folder name, then use that for the copy path.